  • Somerset - Surrey T20 Vitality Blast
    82/2:182/5 2nd Inn
  • Durham - Nottinghamshire T20 Vitality Blast
    160/6:62/5 2nd Inn
  • Glamorgan - Middlesex T20 Vitality Blast
    36/3:0/0 1st Inn
  • Kent - Sussex T20 Vitality Blast
    77/3:203/4 2nd Inn
  • Leicestershire - Northamptonshire T20 Vitality Blast
    72/3:183/7 2nd Inn
  • Warwickshire - Worcestershire T20 Vitality Blast
    0/0:153/6 1st Inn
  • Hampshire - Gloucestershire T20 Vitality Blast
    9/0:176/9 2nd Inn
  • Steelpan Players - Samp Army Cocrico Cavaliers Trinidad and Tobago Bago T10 Blast
    21/1:0/0 1st Inn
  • Australia Champions - India Champions World Championship of Legends
    148/7:254/6 2nd Inn
Table tennis
  • Prokopcov, D - Kosiba, Daniel TT Elite Series
    0:2 3 Set
League of Legends
Rugby League
  • London Broncos - Castleford Tigers Super League
    4:22 1P
  • Wigan Warriors - St Helens Super League
    6:6 1P
Dota 2
  • OG - Gaimin Gladiators Riyadh Masters 2024
    0:1 Map 2
  • LGD Gaming - Team Spirit Riyadh Masters 2024
    1:0 Map 2
  • Aurora Gaming - Heroic Riyadh Masters 2024
    1:0 Map 2
  • Team Falcons - Blacklist International Riyadh Masters 2024
    1:0 Map 2
Rush Football
ESport Valorant
  • Chipi Chapa's - trashcan VALORANT Challengers 2024 East: Surge Split 2
    1:1 [ESportValorant.MatchStatus.143]